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Install byobu on any Linux Distro

Install byobu on any Linux Distro

Recently, I started setting up Rocky Linux 9 servers only to find that byobu is not on the standard repos or epel-release. For me, the easiset way to install it was to build it from source.

Before we start, there are a few dependencies you'll need to install. In my case, it was as simple as running:

sudo dnf install -y tar screen tmux make wget

Once that's installed, you're ready to go! I made a script that you can create on your server. If you want the latest version of byobu you'll need to update the BYOBU_VERSION variable on the script (check the version numbers here).

The way I make this on the server is,

vim /tmp/byobu.sh
# :set paste
# press enter
# i
# paste

chmod +x /tmp/byobu.sh

Enjoy byobu on your server :)

Install byobu on any Linux Distro
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